
Showing posts from March, 2017

History of Chocolate

  Hello everyone! Today we're going to talk about one of my favourite and I think everyone's favourite. Chocolate! Chocolate exists of 3 types: Dark chocolate, White Chocolate and Milk Chocolate. Usually when we say chocolate, we picture a box of bon bons or a bar.  Read on to find out more. Starting of Sweets Now, let's start with the creation of sweets. Sweets savouries started with the early men. They discovered honey! Next, the Egyptians were creative people. They were the first to combine honey, sweet fruit and nuts. What a delicious mix!     Etymologists trace the word 'chocolate' to the Aztec word 'xocoatl,' which referred to a bitter drink  brewed from cocoa beans. The Latin name of cacao tree, Theobroma Cacao means 'food of gods'     Many modern historians claim that chocolate has been around for 2000 years, but recent research suggests it may be even older!   Did you know, that no one tasted chocolate un...

Bullying/ Cyber bullying

*Hey! I hope you're having a nice day today. Now we are going to learn about one of the biggest problem in today's social life. Bullying or cyber bullying. Bullying is NORMAL We all have been bullied at some point of our life. Called a nasty name, taunted, beaten up or had our lunch taken away. Some of us are still bullied long after we leave our classroom. But, it is all a part of life. Isn't it? Bullying is normal in children's face. It is HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSE! Not convinced? Here are some basic information in bullying and why we need to stop it. There are different types of bullying. They are:-   Physical Bullying: hurting someone by directly attacking their body Verbal bullying: using words to hurt or harm someone Intellectual Bullying: not acknowledging and valuing and making fun of children's ideas by peers or adults Emotional Bullying: putting children through embarrassing moments, harassments and reward withdrawal. Indirect bullying: spread...


😇😉😏Ahoy matey! Now we're going to learn about pirates! Let's get to it!! INTRODUCTION Pirates are people who steal from ports and ships. As soon as the first ships began to carry goods, pirates began to attack them. About 600 years ago, there were many pirates  sailing on the seas around the world. HAIRY PIRATES! 'Barbarossa' was the nickname for two pirate brothers. 'Barbarossa' means 'red beard' because they both had red beards! Every sailor was afraid of the two Barbarossa brothers! They were pirates who attacked ships about 500 years ago. One of the brothers captured the town of Algiers in North Africa. The other attacked ships that belonged to the Pope. Who was the leader of the Christian church. Did All Pirates Want Treasure! Pirates from the Mediterranean were called corsairs. They didn't want a treasure. Instead, they took people from ships. They also captured rich people. They were also paid a large amount to set them free. ...


Hi y'all! Now I am going to talk about butterflies! Introduction Butterflies belong to the Kingdom Animalia, the Phylum Athropoda, the class Insecta, the order Lepidoptera[moths, skippers], the sub order Rhopalocera. The sub order Rhopalocera has 3 superfamilies.  Butterflies belong to the Papilionoidea family. Where do butterflies come from? T here are several methods by which a butterfly forms. Let me demonstrate. -First, a caterpillar hatches from an egg. They eat         a lot of leaves  to    become big. - When they are old enough, they attach themselves to twigs. - Then, they form hard shells called pupas. - Inside the pupa the caterpillar changes into a butterfly. - When the butterfly is fully formed, it breaks out of its pupa! Amazing Facts One of the strongest insect fliers is the Apollo butterfly. It can fly over hills and even high mountains, then it rests over a rock or in a flowe...

Welcome all!!

Helloooo !!! Welcome to my brand new blog- The P Word!! I am super excited to start my new blog.  Let me tell you a bit about myself.  My name is Parthi Agarwal. Just another 10-year old wanting to blog. I live in India. I study in the 5th grade. I just want to spread humor everywhere. My friends are really important to me. I also love the rainbow. My hobbies include eating and sleeping. Just kidding,  I actually have a lot of hobbies-reading, badminton, playing the keyboard and being a goofball in general. Here in P-Word, I will post reviews, listicles, and what not. I am completely open to guest posts and collaborations. I would also love to listen to your feedback and suggestions. I will also try my best to remain consistent and post more often. It would make me the happiest if you stuck around. So, welcome to my blog and wish me luck on starting it!! This is my small section of the internet. Pleaseee do read my other posts. K BYE!! By Parthi Aga...