About Me!

Oh...hey there! You are here! Can you believe it? One minute you are scrolling through the internet and the next you are here, on a tiny teenager's blog. I am SO happy you stumbled across my blog! BTW, don't you love this photo of me...

Okay...note to self: Take better pictures you POTATO!

This is a  site for people who hug books, adore animals, love music, and are potatoes in general. Actually, this site is for everyone! We don't discriminate here!!

Do you want a feel off The P Word? I recommend checking out my blog posts that you will find on the left hand side by.  You can read my most popular blog post here!

Anyways, I am Parthi Agarwal. I am 13 years old, #teenager! Hmm...What else can I tell you about me? I will tell you that I am often found eating chocolate bars and pinning pictures of cute animals. Oh, one thing you should know about me, I LOVE animals, especially pandas.
In this blog, you will find the PERFECT playlist for your sad, happy, moody, and celebratory moments. Like in this blog post, you find 50 Songs that you WILL get obsessed with on the first hear!
Hi there book and movie lover friend!  Over here, you will find book reviews like this one here! Or movie recommendations like this one right here.
Do you take interest yet! Was that a yes? *shrieks with excitement* You can follow me by various methods like Bloglovin' or Instagram.

When did I decide to start blogging?

I started blogging when I was ten. I remember every detail of that evening when my mom had helped me set up my blog. She decided the name 'My Little Ideas' and I loved the name! I would post little things like my sketches and cute pictures of animals and small lessons that I learnt in school. In My Little Ideas, I would post tiny posts that was read by my parents ONLY. Then, something hit me. I wanted to take blogging seriously. I decided to change me name to something more relatable with my content and I thought really long and hard about it. I thought of The P Word. My name starts with the letter 'P' and so my name is the P word. It was perfect! I changed my blog name on 2019.

What are my goals and inspiration?

It has been pretty recent since I have decided to take blogging very seriously, and I cant WAIT to see what is in store for me! I just want to inspire and help someone someday, maybe put a smile on their faces. I have done a truckload of research and realized blogging is not just writing words and posting it. I have come across many amazing bloggers on the way! For example, Nabila Eve from Hot Town Cool Girl and I feel so inspired by these bloggers and I hope to inspire you someday!

Ten facts you would like to know about me! (or not, cause these are pretty random)

  1. I am a 13 year old girl who lives in Bangalore, India!
  2. I am a Mixer! (Mixer is used to refer to the fandom of Little Mix)
  3. I am a really bad singer, but a pretty decent dancer. In fact, I have been taking Hip-hop for 5 years
  4. I love animals! Especially pandas and dogs. They are adorable!
  5. I am the biggest book-worm you will find!
  6. My ability of reading other languages is pretty sharp. I can read Hindi and Kannada. I want to learn Korean or Swahili.
  7. I am clumsy. Like very clumsy. Also I have butterfingers. I cant hold an object in my hand for more than two minutes.
  8. In my future, I do NOT want to work a corporate job. I want to do something that contributes to society. I may be an environmentalist saving the planet or work in a research center and find alternatives for kidney transplant (or cure for my butterfingers)
  9. My biggest pet peeve is when people claim to know more than they actually do. Like, be yourself girl. No one over here will think about judging you.
  10. Oh and also, I have an undying love for chocolate.
And that is DONE! I post a QOTD (Question Of The Day) after every post and it fills my heart with joy to read each of your answers!

QOTD: Who is your favorite blogger and why?


By Parthi Agarwal


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