Bullying/ Cyber bullying

*Hey! I hope you're having a nice day today. Now we are going to learn about one of the biggest problem in today's social life. Bullying or cyber bullying.

Bullying is NORMAL

We all have been bullied at some point of our life. Called a nasty name, taunted, beaten up or had our lunch taken away. Some of us are still bullied long after we leave our classroom. But, it is all a part of life. Isn't it?

Bullying is normal in children's face. It is HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSE! Not convinced? Here are some basic information in bullying and why we need to stop it.

There are different types of bullying. They are:-

 Physical Bullying: hurting someone by directly attacking their body

Verbal bullying: using words to hurt or harm someone

Intellectual Bullying: not acknowledging and valuing and making fun of children's ideas by peers or adults

Emotional Bullying: putting children through embarrassing moments, harassments and reward withdrawal.

Indirect bullying: spreading rumours or excluding someone from social groups based on differences in culture and appearances.

Let's STOP bullying


-Don't judge your classmates based on their appearances, cultural  or social background

- Respect each of your classmates for who they are

-Report bullying if you see it

-If you are bullied, talk about it to your parents or teachers.

-Stand up for someone who is bullied, even if they aren't a close friend.


-Carry out activities and form clubs aimed at discovering ways and types of bullying

-Make all students aware about bullying and its effects

-Discourage any form of bullying through sessions and activities

-Write out a clear set of rules and regulations that specifically combat the issue of bullying


(P.S. I am not a parent)

- Find out how your child's day went by speaking to them.

-Ask them if they know what bullying is

-Talk to them and find out if they are being bullied or being a bully

- Find out if they have seen other children being bullied


                            A BETTER WORLD!!

Cyber Bullying:

The use of electronic communication to bully a person, typically by sending messages of an intimidating and threatening nature.

Now this is no less than normal bullying. People will bully you through Gmail, text etc.

Remember that bullies are just:-





Yearning attention

Now that's all I know about bullying. Hope you liked it.


By Parthi










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