10 of the greatest Shakespeare's insults

Apart from bringing fantastic plays and sonnets, William Shakespeare coined and used some of the most excellent insults in his work. These insults are way better than swearing and won't make you known for having a potty mouth.


 (Damn 'Bard', you are so Savage)
Here are 25 of the greatest Shakespeare insults.


1. You poor, base, rascally cheating lack-linen mate!

This means you despise someone's clothing and they are very terrible people.
     It's from Henry IV Part II- Act 2 Scene 4

2. I am sick when I do look on thee.

Sounds more noxious than "you make me sick."
  It is from a Midsummer Night's Dream -Act II Scene I

3. I'll beat thee, but I would infect my hands

Oooohh Burn...
For those of us who have a stronger tongue than a fist, this insult is a way to get out of a physical fight.
 It's from Timons of Athens- Act IV Scene III

4. Away, you three-inch fool!

This means that the fool you are talking to is short. (don't use this, it is so RUDE)
This one is from The Taming Of The Shrew-Act III Scene III

5. Villain, I have done thy mother!

Even though I am so young, I understand this. Bard brother practically invented 'your mom' jokes.
This one is from Titus Andronicus- Act IV Scene II

6. Thou art a boil, a plague sore

No one wants to be a plague sore. Shakespeare must have been the sassiest queen of his time
This is from King Lear- Act II Scene II

7. The rankest compound of villainous smell that ever offended nostril

'You stink!' or this gold.
This is from The Merry Wives of Windsor-  Act III Scene V

8. Would thou wert clean enough to spit upon

This GOLD!!! Thanks, Bard.
This is from Timon of Athens - Act IV Scene III

9. More of your conversation would infect my brain

I can totally imagine myself using this on people I don't like.
This is from Coriolanus- Act II Scene I

10. No longer from head to foot than from hip to hip, she is spherical like a globe, I could find the countries in her.

Okay, that is just mean. Please, never use this.
This is from The Comedy of Errors- Act 3, Scene II

 11. He has not so much brain as ear wax

This is from Troilus and Cressida- Act V Scene I


Why use 'moron' and  'stupid' when you can use these. But seriously, do not use it to bully people. Use it as a laugh.

By Parthi Agarwal



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